Lined leather holster, your choice of CANT, color, firearm.
When you buy this holster you get a Full Custom holster made for you at close to the same price you would pay for an off the shelf holster at a chain store.
Has fully body shield standard, molded sight channel, fully lined. Specify if you dont want a body shield.
A thumbreak can be added to this holster. It is a seperate purchase in the store. It is $20, add it to your cart if you want a thumbreak.
Pancake style leather holster regular High ride
Beretta 92fs no rail
Browning Hi Power
Colt 1911 5" no rail
Colt Commander
Colt SAA 5.5" (single action army)
Colt SAA 7.5" (single action army)
CZ 75c
CZ 75 P-01 (rail, decocker, compact)
Glock 17 / 22 / 31
Glock 19 / 23 / 32
Glock 21 / 20
Glock 26 / 27
Glock 30
Glock 30S
Glock 42
Glock 43
HK USP 9mm
HK USP 45auto
Kahr PM9
Ruger Vaquero 4.5
Ruger 22/45 4" bull
Ruger 22/45 lite
Ruger LCP
Ruger LC9
Ruger LCR
Ruger SR9c
Ruger GP100 4"
Ruger SP101 3"
Sig Sauer P226
Sig Sauer P229
Sig Sauer P230/232
Sig Sauer P238
Sig Sauer P320 full size
Sig Sauer P320 compact
Sig Sauer Mosquito
Smith & Wesson Governor 2.5"
Smith & Wesson 642 / 442 /638
Smith & Wesson Model 36
Smith & Wesson Model 60 3"
Smith & Wesson Model 686 4"
Smith & Wesson K frame 4"
Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380
Smith & Wesson M&P Shield
Smith & Wesson M&P 9/40
Smith & Wesson M&P Compact 9/40
Springfield Armory Operator 1911 45 auto
Springfield Armory Micro Compact 1911 45 auto
Springfield Armory Emp 1911 9mm
Springfield Armory XDs 3.3
Springfield Armory XDsc 9mm
Springfield Armory XD 4 9mm/40
Springfield Armory XDM 5.25 9mm
Springfield Armory XDM 4.5 45auto
Springfield Armory XDM 4.5 9mm
Springfield Armory XDM 3.8 9mm
Walther P99 .40sw