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Lined leather holster, your choice of CANT, color, firearm.

When you buy this holster you get a Full Custom holster made for you at close to the same price you would pay for an off the shelf holster at a chain store.

Has fully body shield standard, molded sight channel, fully lined. Specify if you dont want a body shield.


A thumbreak can be added to this holster. It is a seperate purchase in the store. It is $20, add it to your cart if you want a thumbreak.

Pancake style leather holster regular High ride

  • Beretta 92fs no rail

    Browning Hi Power

    Colt 1911 5" no rail
    Colt Commander
    Colt SAA 5.5" (single action army)
    Colt SAA 7.5" (single action army)

    CZ 75c
    CZ 75 P-01 (rail, decocker, compact)

    Glock 17 / 22 / 31
    Glock 19 / 23 / 32
    Glock 21 / 20
    Glock 26 / 27
    Glock 30
    Glock 30S
    Glock 42
    Glock 43

    HK USP 9mm
    HK USP 45auto
    HK VP9

    Kahr PM9

    Ruger Vaquero 4.5
    Ruger 22/45 4" bull
    Ruger 22/45 lite
    Ruger LCP
    Ruger LC9
    Ruger LCR
    Ruger SR9c
    Ruger GP100 4"
    Ruger SP101 3"

    Sig Sauer P226
    Sig Sauer P229
    Sig Sauer P230/232
    Sig Sauer P238
    Sig Sauer P320 full size
    Sig Sauer P320 compact
    Sig Sauer Mosquito

    Smith & Wesson Governor 2.5"
    Smith & Wesson 642 / 442 /638
    Smith & Wesson Model 36
    Smith & Wesson Model 60 3"
    Smith & Wesson Model 686 4"
    Smith & Wesson K frame 4"
    Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380
    Smith & Wesson M&P Shield
    Smith & Wesson M&P 9/40
    Smith & Wesson M&P Compact 9/40

    Springfield Armory Operator 1911 45 auto
    Springfield Armory Micro Compact 1911 45 auto
    Springfield Armory Emp 1911 9mm
    Springfield Armory XDs 3.3
    Springfield Armory XDsc 9mm
    Springfield Armory XD 4 9mm/40
    Springfield Armory XDM 5.25 9mm
    Springfield Armory XDM 4.5 45auto
    Springfield Armory XDM 4.5 9mm
    Springfield Armory XDM 3.8 9mm

    Walther P99 .40sw

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