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4th Annual Return of the Buffalo SASS Shoot. Briggsdale, CO

We just returned from shooting the 4th Annual Return of the Buffalo shoot. This shoot is put on by Briggsdale County Shootist SASS Club. ( Kid Bucklin is the Territorial Governor and Wizard is his right hand.

They put on a great shoot.

The shoot had 1 full day of side matches. They had speed events, long range events, Quigley contests, a Medusa shotgun only contest, .22 caliber arcade style contest and a "street fight" this year.

The main matches were 2 days, each day there were 6 stages. From the fastest shooters to the slowest shooters, I think everyone had a great time. The costumes, the unique firearms and great people made this weekend great.

I would like to thank SageBrush Burns for letting me and my son shoot his Spencer rifle and for the gift. You want to talk about a great attitude. SageBrush shoots a rifle that only has a capacity of 7 rounds. Each stage requires 10 rounds to be shot. He has to load 3 additional rounds per stage to shoot that rifle. Its fun to watch him work. He also draws his guns, calvary draw style.

The people make this sport. We have so many great people to shoot with.

Congratulations to Pinewood Kid and Belle Drewry the overall match winners.

I would like to say thank you to all of the members who Volunteered so much of their time to make this shoot successful. I know they do not receive the recognition or thanks that they all deserve. Without them we wouldnt have these shoots.

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